A poem
Earth she tips the scales, fins in illusion,
balance is abhorred, delusions in the grandeur mind,
elders speak of stories of the departed, who, by now,
have understood the raison d’être.
Misogyny tethers the glass ceiling, shattering millennia,
conceptual advances inside the concave,
dividing the intellect and sabotaging the mind,
a break from sexual routines of the past.
Countless drones line the country,
a paradise for techno yet not the birds,
satiate desires from cornerstone hatches,
gates unlocked by a single desire.
Here, we understand the wound;
mired in mud as hounds in the dungeon,
playing games while foxes run across Poland,
mist appears in the early morning.
Shining bright, moon recedes and gives way to dawn,
we’ve been here before, some other time,
space continues to fascinate the tormented mind,
spaces where we crawl in enticing movement.